Solve Your Business Problems With the genius of natural selection

A breakthrough process, Cruising to Aha! was developed as a result of our 30-year history of research into the nature of human creativity, coupled with our recognized record of successful innovation and problem solving for over 100 multinational corporations in the U.S., European, Mexican, and Canadian markets.

Your Cruising to Aha! team breaks through problem barriers, accelerates innovation, and moves products and services to market quickly with a minimum investment. We virtually cruise to business breakthroughs, without diminishing the focus and intensity that is required for the normal day-to-day operations. Now, everyone can access the brand of high-powered problem solving generally in the domain of only the large corporations.

Benefits of Cruising to Aha!
With our clients, we successfully resolve a costly important business problem at low cost.
You participate at your own time and convenience. This, believe it or not, actually increases individual creative performance.
Our power sharing techniques draw the best solution from the group, while you maintain strict control over the final outcome.
We supply two or three idea people from our group, each with a demonstrated record of creative business ability, who will add their own insights to the mix.
On call at no extra charge during and after your implementation phase should some unforeseen barrier to the solution occur, we do whatever it takes to make sure you succeed.

The Source of Our Success
The human creative process is evolutionary and mimics Darwin’s Natural Selection Process—Extinction, Mutation, Selection.
One must accept the inadequacy of one’s initial approaches before one can be truly open to new ideas.
Much of the work involved in the creative process is solitary and subconscious.
The most important and most difficult part of the creative act is evaluation!

Most great ideas come in shabby clothing.
—French Proverb